“Every Man Is What He Is”
Servant Leaders are Effective
Providing you, our valued client, excellence and satisfaction in training your personnel with strategies to drive change and positive results organizationally and professionally, and personally. 4 Rivers Consultants Firm servant leadership training is a services with proven results. Let us be your source for proven leadership/personal growth through valuable interpersonal skills and strategies.
The Leadership Series - John Maxwell
John Maxwell - Guidelines for Growth
John Maxwell’s 30 Day Plan allow for personal growth. A growth plan does not just happen it has to be planned for which means you must put forth as much effort as you can to support your personal growth. Motivational speaker Earl Nightingale said, “If a person will spend one hour a day on the same subject for five years, that person will be an expert on that… (https://www.johnmaxwell.com). So the more you adhere to the Growth guidelines the more successful your plan may become to support your success.
Choose to Control Your Mind
This is principle-based on the word of God as a Kingdom-minded concept. There are paths in life and each of us gets to choose, “free will” because what is laid before us is “life and death” when we choose life we gain the benefits of that choice. Regardless of our history or past, we can start today to move forward by gaining control of our own minds. Kingdom Culture is huge in this concept – we can discuss or provide more insight on this subject.
15 Laws of Growth
The wonderful thing about graphics of this type is it is informative and relatable. We are licensed to teach all of these leadership principles, however the key is awareness. Training can be done online through Zoom, during conferences etc. Please also know as our valued client we can provide or create a short video to discuss any specific one of these laws for your leadership team.
Servantleadership Optimistic Attitude Resourcefulness (SOAR): Servant leadership is critical to supporting your most valuable resource “people” this is a construct that works because it is principle-based that maximizes potential. Success is not a destination it is a process and the process is ongoing for every type of organization.
John Maxwell Leadership Series
Come back soon we will have more Leadership Series antidotes, strategies, and concepts.
John Maxwell Leadership Series
Come back soon we will have more Leadership Series antidotes, strategies, and concepts.
The Leadership Series - Napolean Hill
2 Envelopes - Riches - Penalties
Why does Napoleon Hill Two Envelopes Matter? Thinking of Riches has had a negative connotation within most churches, however – in Kingdom. It is about making a decision daily to use the power of your mind to build the life you deserve and desire. This is an overview of why our choices and taking control of matters. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Success and Riches are about moving forward. This is just for information to consider taking it to the next level. It is hard work, but it is worth it. You need to take control of your own mind otherwise you lose out. Value you and move forward, you were created to win and chose.
Time and Money - Resource:
4 Rivers Consulting Firm trains from a principle path that unleashes power. The four Keys shown are purpose, passion, process, and people. The time and money connection is critical when we look at personal resourcefulness. Personal resourcefulness builds a Kingdom Culture that can impact everything that we touch. How do you earn money? How do you use it? Definite Purpose – aligned Habits.
Non-Drifter and Drifter
Without a purpose and a plan, people drift aimlessly throughout life: This principle is connected to knowing your purpose as an individual, person, and or visionary. Without vision, people perish or cast off restraints. As a visionary, you see however there is normally a gap between what is seen and what can happen without support. Building leaders at every level of the organization and connectedness to your vision does matter.
Process: Time and Money

This is based on Napoleon Hill Principles and knowledge of your Definite Major Purpose (DMP) connected to your Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) that leads to productivity, profitability, and people.
Napoleon Hill Leadership Series
Come back soon we will have more Leadership Series antidotes, strategies, and concepts.
Napoleon Hill Leadership Series
Come back soon we will have more Leadership Series antidotes, strategies, and concepts.