Leadership in Action
Personal Growth that Matters
Providing you, our valued clients, excellence and satisfaction in training your personnel with strategies to drive change and positive results organizationally, professionally, and personally. 4 Rivers Consultants Firm’s servant leadership training is a services with proven results. Let us be your source for proven leadership/personal growth through valuable interpersonal skills and strategies.
Electronic Books and Periodicals
Our aim at 4 Rivers is to enhance and magnify your learning experience while also providing you real world, effective, and qualitative data that will add to your professional development on important topics.
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Downloadable Here
Non-Profit Board Roles
This is downloadable information regarding nonprofit boards, by position, providing insight for oversight. This can be used by for-profit and nonprofit organizations, based on our experience most boards are not compliant with board minutes, agreements, etc. If you need a compliance review we have those services available. There is a checklist for example on page 11 that may help answer the question “should I be president of the board of directors”. This is informational, each organization is different and at various stages in your growth, so do not be limited by this, take the insight and build on it. (boardable.com)
2019 Board Engagement Survey Results
This is a survey, that provides results from surveys compiled by boardable. There are normal things like the number of board members that attend meetings, etc. that may help you build, grow, and design a board that is connected and engaged. Remember not to just put people on the board that you “like” that is not the function of your board, consider who will boost your organizational awareness, invest in your mission and enhance your vision. (boardable.com)
Lifetime of Donor Loyalty
Information source: How to Encourage a Lifetime of Donor Loyalty by Jay Love. Fundraising whether it is donor-based or member-based can be very stressful. You need resources, time, and money for the vision however that is not always easy. How do you keep people connected is a factor that we must all deal with. Here you will find information regarding donor retention and acquisition as well as key elements to keep in mind. Yes if you are a ministry the soul is the principle concept, however regardless do not forget about the connection, sense of belonging, and how provision is provided for the vision. Be honest, be truthful, be the best steward of resources which includes people, time, and money.
21 Ways Board Members Engage
21 Ways for Board members to engage with their nonprofits 2020 (by Marc A Pitman): In case it is not apparently obvious by now, nonprofit, fundraising is critical to the vision of any nonprofit organization. Even businesses have to ensure that they raise enough funds to keep the doors open. The 21 tips are short but each one can add value to your next level of success. When reviewing this information, do not forget we are here to provide greater insight, and clarity as it may relate to your specific vision. Rember that little things matter such as notes, recognition, and even pictures of events. Most fundraising events, for example, have the church history or “backstory” but always ensure you include your “Why” and “Why now”. Finally, remember to get testimonials that support the mission, vision, purpose, and wins
Articles and E-Books
KingdomPreneurs "One Thing that Can Change Everything"
Have you ever gone through a time you knew good was the enemy of you becoming great? While searching for our “greatness” or definite major purpose it becomes a journey with shifts, turns, detours, joy, and even pain. Providing you steps to impact your next level of success. What is the power in the “One Thing” and why asking for it has the power to give you everything you desire. In this eBook you will get the 7 strategic steps to put you well on your way to achieving the benefits that lead to enormous influence and wealth.
Restore, return, and relaunch does not mean identical to what was. Who needs to return to the organization and how do your new organization retrain employees to make the shift. When you communicate remember to give hope as you state the facts and consider economic impact with every decision.
Identity Test: Who are You Behind the Mask?
Who are you behind the “Mask”? This test starts with you in mind and allows you to really listen specifically to who you are, who you want to be, and where you want to go. This dynamic system allows leaders to “unmask” themselves so that leadership and mission outcomes are achieved. These successful techniques, leadership concepts, and processes will assist you as a leader to transform and “unmask” yourself for the success you desire and you are working so diligently to achieve.