Do Not Make Excuses Make Improvements
Wisdom to Serve His People
Providing you, our valued client, excellence and satisfaction in training your personnel with strategies to drive change and positive results organizationally and professionally, and personally. 4 Rivers Consultants Firm servant leadership training is a services with proven results. Let us be your source for proven leadership/personal growth through valuable interpersonal skills and strategies.
Effective Business PowerPoints
Power Of Purpose

Power of Purpose: Think of purpose from a Kingdom perspective. Go beyond self and think of humanity. As a visionary, leader, member, or person the power of purpose gives focus, energy… Finding your sweet spot is priceless. This template shares how to find the sweet spot and also four circles to purpose that is linked to Kingdom culture. Expound on what purpose means and your insight. Always get the most current insight when building information. This is a template (starting point) to build upon to grow Kingdom Culture. Please take your time to look at the information and make changes or just use the template and change everything. To view the PowerPoint of Power of Purpose, click below.
The Ruin of A Nation

The Ruin of a Nation Begins with People: Building integrity, character, healing, and peace. Enjoy your journey. This is merely a template to build upon to grow Kingdom Culture. Please take your time to look at the information and make changes or just use the template and change everything.

The Process of Change: Foundational basis Phil 3:12-14, Hosea 4:6. Just some insight with the impact from lack of knowledge. Change can mean growth, by the renewing of the mind, through process, change, and it starts within. This package has levels of things that are relatively easy, harder, or difficult to change according to empirical information. Always get the most current insight when building information. This is a template (starting point) to build upon to grow Kingdom Culture. Please take your time to look at the information and make changes or just use the template and change everything.
Clear Vision - 2020

Clear Vision = 2020: This is not about a year, it is about clarity. Truth and some points regarding vision with goals that establish a firm foundation and transformation of your mind. Slide 3 is a smart chart that can be adjusted just click to make the changes. Always get the most current insight when building information. This is a template (starting point) to build upon to grow Kingdom Culture. Please take your time to look at the information and make changes or just use the template and change everything.
Wealth Building Strategies - Budgeting Time and Money

Wealth Building Strategies-Budgeting Time and Money: The people’s success will grow the organization, ministry, and bottom line. Money and time are critical to connect. We provide training however this is a great start for our valued clients. Know that slide 5 is quick and fun to accomplish in advance and is a powerful tool to help transform financial mindsets. We can assist or respond to questions as needed. Please take your time to look at the information and make changes or just use the template and change everything.
Effective PowerPoints

4 Rivers Consultants Firm continues to provide leadership/personal growth strategies and concepts through valuable interpersonal skills. Check back often for updates.